Monday, April 21, 2014

DIY Inspiration Board

Hey Sunshiners! What a weekend, woah, if you aren't following me on twitter (@alexasunshine83) or instagram (@alexasunshine83), then you have completely missed a very memorable weekend and will have to wait til my vlog to know what I'm talking about!

Until then, here's a quick TWO MINUTE video on creating your very own Inspiration Board, which as May is coming up we are all thinking about everything we need to get done or about our dreams or just wanna look at some trends everymorning when getting ready! It's like tumblr on your wall basically ha plus you have change it as often as possible, depending on what's inspiring you at the moment! If you do this idea, please send me a picture of it on my twitter or instagram, I'd love to see your creations !

P.S. if you suck at arts & crafts then this DIY is perfect for you, no need to cut straight lines !

 Images from Teen Vogue, Nylon, and Seventeen MAG


  1. I have two of these! I never had a board because, yeah, so I did it on a paper. But now I have two fashion collages in my room and I love it! I rarely buy magazines really, but when I do they end up being used for crafts or new collages :)
